
NPW can be contacted by phone, email and post. Please use the details on the right to get in contact.

How to get to us

The NPW offices and training rooms are in Francis House. You can get to us in the following ways:

By Bus
The nearest Bus stop to Francis House is Barking Road (Upton Park/Green Street), the following buses stop here; 330, 147, 5 and the 115.

By Tube
The nearest tube station is Upton Park, this is on the District and Hammersmith and City line.

By Foot
From Upton Park station turn right and walk down Green Street until you reach the traffic lights at the cross junction between Green Street and Barking Road.

Turn right onto Barking Road and cross to the opposite side of the road at the nearest crossing. Turn right again and carry on walking approximately 50 metres until you reach Francis House. This is opposite the Barclays bank.